

Here’s how to solve common problems encountered between systems integrators and OEMs during the commissioning and startup phase of water/wastewater capital projects.

艾伦Horikawa, 全国服务经理, 斯科特·冈崎, 北加州现场服务经理, 特易购控制公司, recently co-authored an article for the August 2019 issue of Processing magazine. 文章的标题是 系统集成商和oem实现启动成功. Here’s a summary, click on the link above for the full text.


Commissioning and startup are when all OEM systems and field-installed equipment are fully installed, interfaced and in position for integrated testing under actual operating conditions. 特易购控制公司提供.版权所有2019.

水/废水基本建设项目, whether new greenfield developments or retrofit brownfield undertakings, demand coordination among many levels of contractors and suppliers. Most modern projects have electrical controls and automation elements, 通常由控制系统集成商提供。, SI必须与许多实体密切合作. 不幸的是, the typical design/bid/build (DBB) project organizational hierarchy can hinder communications.

The system integrator team must work closely with multiple entities to ensure successful completion of water/wastewater capital projects, 包括打包系统的oem厂商. 特易购控制公司提供.版权所有2019.

Horikawa and Okasaki point out a common challenge for SIs.

Significant underlying systems are usually supplied by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), 增加挑战. These include three main types of OEMs: suppliers of electrical equipment, suppliers of process skids and suppliers of automation components.

在本文中, 它们涵盖了一些策略, and show how SIs can successfully work with OEMs during commissioning and startup.


在理论上, 大多数问题应在施工前解决, but in practice there are many interfaces and opportunities for technical and scope discrepancies, some of which may persist into or become exposed during startup. 在启动期间, si正在执行许多任务,时间是至关重要的, si经常以“最后进入”为座右铭, 先出”.


尽管项目使用不同的术语, for this article commissioning involves basic signal verifications, 而启动是指设备的功能运行. Ideally much of the design is pre-tested via the factory acceptance test process, but the authors describe how various automation platforms can only be fully integrated with actual signals in the field.

Input/output signals, whether hardwired or fieldbus, must be tested and documented. This involves the SI, the electrical contractor, and affected OEM vendors. The effort then proceeds to functional checks where every party must internally test their own area, 然后彼此进行集成测试.


Since ensuring adequate and safe electrical power is fundamental to any startup effort, the electrical OEMs are often the first engaged by the SI to check out switchgear, 发电机, 电机控制, 还有其他元素. 通常这涉及到监控这些系统, but sometimes more complicated automation and interlocking is tested.

供配电设备, 就像这个强大的阵容, 必须仔细检查安装是否正确, 布线, 以及组件尺寸. 特易购控制公司提供.版权所有2019.


After the electrical utilities have been proven out, process skid integration is the next step. 流程打滑有多种形式. 它们可能是完整的或需要现场组装, 是否可配备机上控制装置, or may be procured as bare equipment requiring field automation. Horikawa and Okasaki say this increases the complications.

过程中打滑, 然而, are more likely to have extensive automation requirements, 每一个都会影响整体性能. 这包括对反冲洗等事件进行排序, cycling of equipment like ultraviolet systems based on demand, 在一个单位内列车的定时, tuning of continuous regulatory control such as for chemical injection, 以及其他工艺操作. When process skids arrive with their own control package there may be a simple enable/disable interface exposed to the main automation system via a hardwired connection. 但即使在这种情况下, a skid may also require operational parameters to be determined, 设置和测试.

过程中打滑, such as this spiral screen, come in many configurations and sizes. 特易购控制公司提供.版权所有2019.

此时此刻, SI关注的不仅仅是特定的设备, but may be solving problems central to the automation design or control platform.


SIs must be adept at working with a wide variety of automation hardware, 软件, 网络, 以及现场仪表产品和问题. The authors identify many common tasks which must be performed. Each activity requires test procedures and documentation to provide a complete result and support efficient problem solving.

So, 如果有一件事, 小或大, 未能按计划工作, 可能很难确定根本原因. The best run projects avoid assigning blame and instead employ a team-based problem-solving approach. Establishing this type of positive culture for executing the work and resolving the inevitable challenges must be led by the owner and general contractor, 给予SI适当程度的自治权.

Personnel starting up OEM equipment must be skilled working with automation platform hardware and 软件. 特易购控制公司提供.版权所有2019.

The SI is uniquely positioned to discover and help solve any problems when integrating multiple OEM systems into a cohesive whole, 帮助整个团队实现创业成功.


Mr. Horikawa, National Service Manager for det365中文, 公司., has over 40 years of involvement with a wide range of industrial control systems. 作为一名沟通专家, he has developed hands-on experience with all major instrumentation, control and telemetry systems used in water and wastewater. Alan led the teams commissioning one of the largest wastewater projects (over 500 sites) in the southeastern U.S.

Scott Okasaki, NorCal现场服务经理
Scott Okasaki, NorCal现场服务经理

Mr. Okasaki, 北加州现场服务经理, 在乐购集团有超过13年的工作经验, 公司. 在修改中, startup and support of industrial control system projects for the water and wastewater industries. He has led teams in the commissioning of 萨克拉门托 Regional County Sanitation District’s EchoWater Project, a $2 billion upgrade to produce cleaner water for discharge back into the 萨克拉门托 River.